​​​​​​​Parks Foundation YYC

The goal of the Amateur Sport Committee at Parks Foundation Calgary is to promote amateur sport development and enhance sport participation for Calgarians of all ages.

Since its inception in 1985, the Amateur Sport Committee has awarded more than $10.2 million in grants to over 365 projects.

The Amateur Sport Committee is comprised of a group of committed volunteers who distribute the amateur sports funds in a fair and efficient manner targeting the sporting needs of citizens of Calgary.

The Amateur Sport Grant Program was created as part of the Saddledome Foundation’s commitment to establish an Olympic legacy from the operations of the Saddledome. The continued success of the program is possible through a joint community partnership with the Calgary Flames Hockey Club, The Saddledome Foundation, and Parks Foundation Calgary.

Any qualified non-profit organization, club, or league can apply for a grant – as can any group endorsed by a local, provincial or national umbrella sports organization.

The Amateur Sport Committee reviews and evaluates requests three times a year. Funding decisions are based on: demonstrated need for the project, need for financial assistance, benefits and unique qualities of the project, and the ability of the applicant organization to assume associated operating costs. Eligible capital projects might include the construction or renovation of sports facilities, or the purchase of sport-related equipment.
