
Lorna Snow (

Lorna Snow is the Head Coach of Club Development and coaches at Churchill and Shouldice pools. She is one of the most experienced and educated coaches of young swimmers in Canada. She has been committed to UCSC for over 40 years. Lorna has a BA in Physical Education from Western University and an MA in Physical Education from the University of Alberta. She taught Therapeutic Recreation at Mount Royal University for 25 years and continues to coach for the joy of being with the children every day. Lorna is a certified NCCP Level II swim coach. She has passion and enthusiasm for teaching excellent technique and encouraging young swimmers to love to swim with confidence in their abilities. Her swimmers learn the values of respect, commitment and hard work.

When asked, "Who are the most successful athletes you have coached?" Lorna said, "Approximately 3,500 children have gone through the UCSC development program, have learned to swim extremely well, and have grown up to be happy, healthy, contributing citizens. Their lives were enriched because of the experiences they had in our Club. These are my most successful athletes."

Group Info (Churchill)

Group Info (Shouldice)